Tastebuds at the Museum in Huntsville, AL

Portraits, Inc. is proud to participate in the Huntsville Museum of Art's Tastebuds at the Museum!

January 9th, 2019

11:30 am - 1:00 pm | Loretta Spencer Hall

Huntsville Museum of Art

Huntsville, Alabama



Mary Evelyn McKee, Interior Designer
Paige Albright, Oriental Rug Expert
Beverly McNeil, Owner of Portraits, Inc.
Bebe Barnard, President of Portraits, Inc.
Margot Shaw, Editor of Flower Magazine

Seated, plated luncheon

$65 per ticket

RSVP Deadline:  January 7th

Please reserve early as this event has sold out in the past!

For more information or to purchase tickets, please see the Huntsville Museum website.